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      How to Train for the Podium

      How to Train for the Podium

      When you have dreams of standing at the top of the podium of BJJ's greatest events, it's hard to imagine doing it without attending one of the big name competitive teams. To be sure, it does help to be surrounded by many other competitive-minded training partners, all training hard to be the best among the best. However, it's not the only way. 

      Whether your goals are as lofty as the Brasileiros and Worlds, or simply to win your local tournaments, you can't just rely on going to your regularly scheduled classes. You have to train differently. The good news is, you can reproduce the same kind of high-level, competitive training that you see at the top academies around the world. 

      Here are four considerations that will help you train in a way to find yourself at the top of the podium more and more often... 

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      You Might be in Love with Jiu-Jitsu If...

      You Might be in Love with Jiu-Jitsu If

      You know that "love at first sight" feeling?

      There's definitely a "love at first roll" in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. You have friends and training partners who talk about it. Maybe they speak of the first time they stepped on the mat, thinking they were going to "hold their own" but get absolutely demolished by the resident purple belt woman or by the 16-year old phenom... and they found themselves hooked.

      But maybe you don't believe in either love at first sight - you Scrooge - or love at first roll. Maybe you're still salty over your past romance with your primary school or collegiate sport; the one you put so much work and effort into, but it just never gave you any love back. No trophies, no awards, not even an honorable mention. Or maybe you just don't know what love is... 

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      Kingz Dominates at No-Gi Worlds

      Kingz Dominates at No-Gi Worlds

      This year's IBJJF No-Gi World Championships was unlike any other... and I say it every year, but they really were pretty spectacular this year.

      From stellar performances from our favorite faces to jaw-dropping upsets from exciting new up-and-comers... there wasn't a spectator there who could stay in their seat! 

      The most exciting part? Our very own Kingz athletes absolutely dominated. Every time they stepped on the mat, we knew we would see a match jam-packed with impeccable technique, bold attacks, exciting scrambles and sharp submissions. And we were not disappointed in the least! 

      Which of our Kingz athletes hit the top of the podium this year? 

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      Kettlebells for BJJ?

      Kettlebells for BJJ?

      You bet! Whether you're a hard-core competitor or a hardcore hobbiest, it's important - both for your health and for your jiu-jitsu goals - to cross-train. Cross-training helps work muscles that you don't normally work on the mat, strengthen muscles that you do, correct imbalances, and generally just keeps your body in better shape. 

      But maybe you can't afford or just don't like the idea of having another gym membership. Enter kettlebells: kettlebell movements are incredibly beneficial for supplementing your jiu-jitsu; acquiring the necessary weights is relatively cost-friendly; and you can do a kettlebell workout anywhere.  

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      The Jiu-Jitsu Basics - Back Control

      The Jiu-Jitsu Basics - Back Control

      Welcome back to the second in our series of "Jiu-Jitsu Basics," where we cover the most important information about key positions and teechniques in BJJ. Whether you're a seasoned submission hunter - or you just wish you were - positional dominance is paramount. Second in our series: the back control position.

      In BJJ, back control is the reigning position in terms of control and effectiveness. In this blog post, we’ll explore the essentials of mastering the back control in BJJ, including a basic overview of the position, key principles for maintaining control, and some common submissions from the back that you’ll want to add to your toolkit.

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