How Masters Athletes Can Train Injury-Free
How Masters BJJ Athletes Can Train Injury-Free
Whether you started Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu prior to your 30s, or you started after, there's no denying that it just hits a little differently. It hits harder, for sure.
As much as our minds might refuse to believe that we're no longer the invincible specimens of humanity we were in our youth, our bodies continually remind us. We no longer have energy for days. We don't bounce back from injuries as easily anymore. Even just sleeping in the wrong position now causes us unending grief.
Just as we can no longer live as we did in our 20s, we can't really train like we did or would have in our 20s. Not if we want to enjoy longevity on the mat. So, how do we train now, so as to avoid any forced time off the mat?
Here are my top four tips for training injury-free as a BJJ Masters level athlete:
- Cross-Train, for Safety
- Choose Your Rolls Wisely
- Self-Care is Key
- Be Kind to Yourself