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      How Masters Athletes Can Train Injury-Free

      Masters BJJ Athletes Can Train Injury-Free

      Whether you started Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu prior to your 30s, or you started after, there's no denying that it just hits a little differently. It hits harder, for sure. 

      As much as our minds might refuse to believe that we're no longer the invincible specimens of humanity we were in our youth, our bodies continually remind us. We no longer have energy for days. We don't bounce back from injuries as easily anymore. Even just sleeping in the wrong position now causes us unending grief. 

      So, how do we train now, so as to avoid any forced time off the mat? Here are four tips...


      BJJ Gear Bags - Which Would You Choose

      BJJ Gear Bag

      Whether your commute to the jiu-jitsu academy is long or short, having the right BJJ gear bag is essential. But what exactly is "the right" gear bag? 

      Everyone's needs are different - surprise, surprise - so a good understanding of your own particular needs is the first step toward picking the right gear bag. Are you someone who needs a ton of space for all your gis and gear? Or do you like to be more streamlined? Do you need a designated pocket for everything, or do you prefer one big sack with just a few smaller pockets? 

      Whatever your needs and preferences, Kingz has thought about them. How? Because we train too, so we know. Here are five great BJJ gear bag options...


      Meet the Kingz Athlete World Champs

      Meet the Kingz Athlete World Champs

      The recent IBJJF World Championships 2023 was full of incredible matches... and each year they seem to get better and better.

      If you weren't able to make the trip to California yourselves (we get it, it's a looooong way to go if you're not competing), you probably caught all the fast-paced action on FloGrappling. 

      Here at Kingz, we were especially impressed with the amazing performance of all of our athletes. Here are the nine Kingz Athletes who battled their way to the top of their divisions this year...


      Five Ways to Supplement Your BJJ Training

      Five Ways to Supplement Your BJJ Training

      Whether you have grand goals of becoming a world famous Brazilian jiu-jitsu athlete, or you simply want to improve your jiu-jitsu game and become one of the best on your home mats, these days it's almost mandatory that you supplement your BJJ training. 

      Not only will it help you improve physically and cognitively - both of which provide innumerable benefits to your general everyday life - but it will also help improve your longevity on the mat. And if you enjoy jiu-jitsu, odds are you won't enjoy some unexpected injury that will keep you away from it for long.

      What are the five things you should be doing to supplement your BJJ training? Read on...


      Athlete Spotlight: Jeysen Santiago dos Santos

      Athlete Spotlight: Jeysen Santiago dos Santos

      Here at Kingz, we're pretty proud of our roster of some of the best Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners in the world. 

      And while the limelight might fall on all those young, up-and-comers, our Masters level athletes are pretty amazing as well. This includes one of the jiu-jitsu world's best pound-for-pound Master 2 athletes: Jeysen Santiago do Santos.
