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      Stay Cool with a Summer BJJ Gi

      Stay Cool with a Summer BJJ Gi

      Summer is here. As it's getting hot and sweaty outside, it's getting hot and sweatier on the mat... that is, of course, if you're wearing the same gi you winter train in. 

      Not all gis are made the same, and for good reason. In addition to the range of different fits, cuts and styles, there are also a range of different kinds of fabrics from which jiu-jitsu gis are made. When it comes to staying cool - or coolish - on the mat, these materials make a difference. That's why at Kingz, we have a number of different lightweight gi options. 

      Here is our roster of lightweight BJJ gi option to keep you cool and training hard this summer...


      BJJ at a Small Academy: It's a Good Thing

      BJJ at a Small Academy

      If you've been training long enough, the thought may have crossed your mind that you wish you were training at a bigger academy. One of those whose teams fill the rosters of the major tournaments and whose logos you see at the big televised events. You might entertain ideas of changing your entire life to move to one of those academies to train.

      But before you do, take a moment to think... You might be overlooking what a small academy can offer - what your current, local academy already offers you. There are many benefits to training jiu-jitsu at a small academy, which, depending on your individual goals, could be harder - or even impossible - to obtain at the bigger, flashier academies. Here are a few of them.. 


      Congrats Kingz Worlds Champs

      Congrats Kingz Worlds Champs

      Another year, another whirlwind of an IBJJF World Championships! As the culmination of the Grand Slam competition season, this Worlds was a much anticipated event for competitors around the globe. 

      And it didn't disappoint! The Walter Pyramid was filled with the best of the best, each division stacked with elite athletes, both long-time veterans of the sport and fresh-faced newcomers. This year, there were a lot of close matches and surprising upsets, which made for an even more exciting year for spectators. 

      Win or lose, Kingz is always proud of everyone who shows enough courage and determination to step out there and show the world their jiu-jitsu. Congratulations to you all!


      The Roots of BJJ - A Short History

      The Roots of BJJ - A Short History

      Decades ago - which, for many of you, means before you were born - it was hard to find someone who knew exactly what Brazilian jiu-jitsu was. You'd mention it, and they'd look at you like you spoke a different language (well, you did) or you had just sneezed. Then you'd have to explain it, then answer any number of follow-up questions. 

      These days, it's hard to find someone who doesn't know. Your barista? Has a cousin who trains. Your taxi driver. That's the thing that Joe Rogan guy does. The police officer who gives you a warning for getting a little loud leaving the pub? She does it, too. 

      Both the number of practitioners and the knowledge of BJJ has spread far and wide. But the knowledge of BJJ's roots? Not so much. At least not beyond some cursory understanding that the Graice family had something to do with it. Well, we're here to fix that... 


      Tips for Ranking Up in BJJ

      Tips for Ranking Up in BJJ

      In the world of jiu-jitsu, promotions aren't governed by a strict calendar, and even the IBJJF ranking guidelines are merely that... guidelines. Ranking up in BJJ can happen anytime, reflecting individual progress and academy preferences, rather than some universal timeline. However, many academies tend to organize promotions semi-annually, typically once during the summer and once during the winter, with organized celebrations to commemorate those who were deemed "ready for the next level." 

      As we approach the summer promotion season, we figured we'd give a little insight in how to keep on track toward your next belt. Here are some practical tips: 
