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      Finding the Right BJJ Academy

      Finding the Right BJJ Academy

      We make choices all the time. Some choices are inconsequential, while others hold a bit more weight. Choosing the right Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu academy is one of the latter. 

      Whether you've never done BJJ before and you're looking to get into it, or you're on the hunt for a new academy, finding the right academy is important. Not only is jiu-jitsu an investment - so you don't want to waste good, hard-earned money on a place that isn't going to meet your needs - but it's also a community of people. You want to find a place that you'll feel welcome, you'll feel safe to engage in pretend murder, and you'll potentially find life-long friends. 

      Here are some tips that will help... 

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      Athlete Spotlight: Sarah Galvão

      Sarah Galvão

      Every year, we're seeing more and more young phenoms dominating the highest levels of jiu-jitsu. And every year, more of this group are the progeny of former world champions and Brazilian jiu-jitsu legends, such as Kingz Athlete Sarah Galvão.

      Anyone who's been on the mats long enough have basically seen Sarah grow up. The only child of two of the sport's most recognizable legends, Sarah has recently come into her own, following in the footsteps of her parents. 

      We took a moment to chat with Sarah about her life, her goals, and what makes her who she is today...

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      Review: Legends Never Die Gi

      Review: Legends Never Die Gi

      Nearly one year ago, the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu community was shocked by the announcement that one of the greatest athletes to have ever stepped on the mat had died: Leandro Lo Pereira do Nascimento.

      At only 33 years old, Leandro was shot and killed at a nightclub in Brazil. 

      The announcement shook the community because he was more than just a multiple time world champion... he was a legend, both as an athlete and as a person. 

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      How Masters Athletes Can Train Injury-Free

      Masters BJJ Athletes Can Train Injury-Free

      Whether you started Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu prior to your 30s, or you started after, there's no denying that it just hits a little differently. It hits harder, for sure. 

      As much as our minds might refuse to believe that we're no longer the invincible specimens of humanity we were in our youth, our bodies continually remind us. We no longer have energy for days. We don't bounce back from injuries as easily anymore. Even just sleeping in the wrong position now causes us unending grief. 

      So, how do we train now, so as to avoid any forced time off the mat? Here are four tips...

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      BJJ Gear Bags - Which Would You Choose

      BJJ Gear Bag

      Whether your commute to the jiu-jitsu academy is long or short, having the right BJJ gear bag is essential. But what exactly is "the right" gear bag? 

      Everyone's needs are different - surprise, surprise - so a good understanding of your own particular needs is the first step toward picking the right gear bag. Are you someone who needs a ton of space for all your gis and gear? Or do you like to be more streamlined? Do you need a designated pocket for everything, or do you prefer one big sack with just a few smaller pockets? 

      Whatever your needs and preferences, Kingz has thought about them. How? Because we train too, so we know. Here are five great BJJ gear bag options...

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